Hello! My name is Sam! I am a South Down breed of sheep called Baby doll. I live with my twin sister Samantha. My favorite snack is crackers and I love when children visit and feel my wool!
Birthdate: March 11, 2018
Color: Black and white/off white
Baby doll Sheep:
Hello! My name is Echo, short for Echinacea. I am a Nubian goat and my birthday is April 2, 2020. I look a lot like my mom Beezus, but with longer ears! I love to be brushed just like my brother Thyme.
Birthdate: April 2, 2020
Weight: 135 pounds
Color: Black, white, and some specks of brown
Nubian goats:
Hi! My name is Beatrice. I am 7 years old and I am Nigerian Dwarf Goat. I share my stall with my mom, “Dreamer” and brother, “Huck”. My favorite snack is animal crackers and I occasionally like to go on walks.
Birthdate: May 20, 2017
Color: light brown
Nigerian Dwarf Goats:
Hello! My name is Dreamer and I am a miniature horse. Sometimes people think I am a pony because I am so small, but I am a horse…a miniature one! I share a stall with my half-sister Chestnut.
Birthdate: May 12, 2005
Weight: 258 pounds
Color: Pinto
Miniature horses:
Hello! My name is Nancy, but most people at the barn call me “Miss Piggy!” I am a pot-bellied pig who has been at the barn for 3 years. I was raised in a house with dogs, and I love to walk on a leash!
Birthdate: December 15, 2011
Color: Black
Pot-bellied Pigs:
Hello! My name is Bun-Bun. I’m a very friendly lop-eared bunny who loves carrots! I will eat them right out of your hand.
Birthdate: February 11, 2016
Weight: Less than 5 pounds
Color: Brown and gray
Hello! My name is Slinky and I am one of two barn cats here at The Barn. I arrived in 2008 when I was only 10 weeks old. I love people and my favorite place to sleep is on top of any desk or anywhere that people are trying to work!
Birthdate: 2008
Weight: Less than 10 pounds
Color: Black with white on chest
Barn cats:
Hello! My name is Chestnut and I am a miniature horse. My half-sister Dreamer and I share a stall and are best friends. We love spending time together in the barn, especially when kids come to visit and bring us apples to eat!
Birthdate: May 12, 2005
Weight: 266 pounds
Color: Chestnut
Miniature horses:
Hello! My name is Sugar but most people call me “Buddy”. I am a Miniature Sicilian Donkey who loves to greet people at my stall. You may hear me crying at The Barn when the children leave. I hate to see them go!
Birthdate: April 14, 2011
Weight: 200 pounds
Color: Brown and Gray
Miniature Sicilian Donkeys: