Barn Lingo
Here are some words and phrases that may be new to you and help you to feel more “at home” at Spring Brook Farm:
- Stall- the spaces where the animals reside
- Aisle-the area in the The Barn between the animal stalls
- Hay- what most of the animals at The Barn eat
- Hay Flake- a slice of a hay bale that measures the amount of hay given to the animals
- Straw- the yellow bedding in each of the stalls; sometimes the animals chew on the straw, but it is different from the hay that they eat
- Barnyard- the fenced-in courtyard area outside the stalls
- Nature Center- the shaded picnic table area at the base of the tree house ramp, next to the hayride ramp
- Loft- the upstairs area of The Barn
- Balcony- the area above the loft; the only part of The Barn that is accessed by stairs
- Picking out the stalls/mucking- expression used to describe cleaning the animals’ stalls
- Halter- essentially a collar for horses and donkeys; it goes around their noses, under their chins and behind their ears
- Lead rope- attaches to the horses’ and donkeys’ halters and helps walk the horses and donkeys; its function is similar to a dog’s leash
- Fly mask- mesh cover that goes over the horses’ and donkeys’ ears and eyes when they are outside, preventing flies from bothering them
- Grazing Muzzle- attaches to horses’ and donkeys’ halters when they are turned out to graze in pastures; a small hole in the muzzle limits the amount of grass they can eat.